Ei 'nabod Ef yn iawn

(Fel yr adnabyddwyf ef, &c. - Phil. iii. 10.)
Ei 'nabod Ef yn iawn
  Yw'r bywyd llawn o hedd,
A gwel'd ei iachawdwriaeth lawn
  Sydd yn drag'wyddol wledd;
Cael teimlo gwaed Ei groes
  Yn dofi'r loes a'r cur,
A wnaeth i filoedd o bob oes
  I seinio'r anthem bur.

Wel' dyma'r Ceidwad mawr,
  A ddaeth i lawr o'r nef, 
I achub gwaeledd, llwch y llawr
  Gogoniant iddo Ef:
Bu farw yn ein lle,
  Ni bechaduriaid gwael;
Mae pob cyfiawnder ynddo 'fe
  Sydd arnom eisieu ei gael.

Mae ynddo fôr didrai,
  O gariad ac o hedd;
Mae cariad Iesu yn parhau
  Tu yma a thraw i'r bedd:
Fe glyw ein cri a'n cwyn
  Yn addfwyn, er ei glod;
Ein beichiau parod yw i'w dwyn,
  Ffyddlonaf fu erioed.

Pa'm di-galonnwn mwy?
  Ni gawsom ryfedd fraint;
Mae breintiau eto'n ol
    sydd fwy,
  Nas gwyddom ni pa faint.
Rhowd i ni yma le,
  O dan y ne 'n ei dŷ,
Ar fyrr fy ddenfyn Iesu 'nhôl
  I'w gôl i Salem fry.
John Thomas 1730-1803
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

Tôn [MBD 6686D]:
Pererin (alaw Gymreig)

  Ein Duw roes ini le
  Rho'w'd ini yma le
  Wel dyma'r Ceidwad mawr
  Yr Iesu glyw ein cwyn

(As I know him, &c. - Phil. 3:10.)
Knowing him well
  Is the life full of peace,
And seeing his full salvation
  Will be an eternal feast;
Getting to feel the blood of His cross
  Taming the grief and the stroke,
Has made thousands of every age
  To sound the pure anthem.

See here is the great Saviour,
  Who came down from heaven,
To save the dust of the ground so base
  Glory unto him:
He died in our place,
  Of us base sinners;
All righteousness is in him
  That we need to get.

In him is an unebbing sea,
  Of love and of peace;
The love of Jesus continues
  On this and the far side  of the grave:
He hears our cry and our complaint
  Tenderly, for the sake of his praise;
Our burdens he is prepared to carry,
  He was ever the most faithful.

Why should we be disheartened any more?
  We who got a wonderful privilege;
There are still privileges left
    that are greater,
  Than we know to what extent.
Here a place was given to us,
  Under heaven in his house,
Shortly Jesus will send my bosom
  To his bosom to Salem above.
tr. 2010,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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